Answer: Improves balance, posture, & attitude.

Question: What does Pilates do?

Recently, I surveyed regular attendees of my group Pilates Mat classes at local gyms. This was a group of about 40 men and women with ages ranging anywhere from 25 to 65.  While they knew that I would be reading the answers, the survey was anonymous (Google Forms is amazing!) I was not able to see contact information for who wrote which answer, nor could I determine who actually participated in the survey. I wanted them to be able to tell me how they really feel and about 50% of them did just that by participating.
I asked three simple questions and gave them plenty of room to type away with answers.  If you’ve been wondering whether Pilates exercises might be right for you, you might find the most common answers below helpful. Enjoy!

(1) What does the practice of Pilates do for you?

  • Increases my flexibility, strengthens and tones my core and has helped me improve in Crossfit.
  • Helps stretch me out and does wonders for my back which I had problems off and on for years. Not to mention my mental health, makes me feel so good!
  • Helps to keep me flexible, steadier on my feet, overall sense of well-being
  • It stretches my old muscles
  • It improves my balance, posture, and attitude.
  • It is helping me work on my core (my weakest), general strength, and my mind-body connection. It is hard work, but I enjoy the atmosphere and the class as a whole.
  • Keeps me limber and strong with a stable core and helps me to de-stress
  • It makes me more aware of my posture and breathing, to work on improving both for my overall better health.

(2) Tell me about a time Pilates class left you disappointed.

  • I dislike a class that is too easy, pushing further is a good thing. I also am really not in the class to socialize, I want the class to move through the lesson with a minimum of chit-chat.
  • some of the exercises are hard for me to fully do, is not the instructor’s fault
  • Never disappointed, though sometimes I want to move a little faster than the instructor. Trying to practice patience…
  • I left a recent Pilates class disappointed because I felt the class flew by and wanted more Pilates!
  • When we move through the exercises too quickly
  • I am disappointed when I cannot hold some of the positions suggested, and when I get foot and/or leg cramps, which prevent me from trying to follow some of the steps.
  • I have attended a couple of classes in the past that were far too easy. I found that disappointing. I want to have to work at least a little.
  • Only in myself and very infrequently.

(3) What makes an instructor great?

  • Talks you through the movements, walks around and makes needed corrections, provides different difficulty levels, friendly!
  • Attention to detail, knowledge, and passion. You have all three!
  • Know what you want to teach in the class, move around the class as you instruct so corrections can be made, try to remember students’ names, and demonstrate, demonstrate, demonstrate.
  • positive and upbeat
  • Focus on the students in the class rather than his/herself
  • Willingness to adjust things for students as needed
  • Adequate coaching without too much talking
  • Creative classes – not knowing what is coming next. Caring about how your students are doing by watching, walking around the room, and teaching people the correct way!!!


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