Answer: Improves balance, posture, & attitude.

Question: What does Pilates do? Recently, I surveyed regular attendees of my group Pilates Mat classes at local gyms. This was a group of about 40 men and women with ages ranging anywhere from 25 to 65.  While they knew that I would be reading the answers, the survey was anonymous (Google Forms is amazing!) I was not able to see…

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The Healthy Cell

On the day before Thanksgiving in 2015, I reported to the cubicle of my 8 to 5 job for the final time.  I was leaving to pursue my passion for a career in health and fitness and while I knew the general direction I was heading, there was definitely no clear path.  I wanted to create a name and a…

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Can Pilates help me?

Ever hear a story about celebrities doing Pilates or maybe even someone you know and wondered to yourself about whether it would really provide a benefit to you? Well, Liz did. She is in her late 50s and had been suffering from some residual lower back pain, possibly from the many hours spent sitting  and working at a computer.  Liz was looking…

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Life as a Book

I have long said that life is like a book (not chocolates). Each chapter containing stories with experiences and lessons we learn that continue to shape us. Some chapters are scary, like the time I was showing a vacant house to potential renters and a homeless man jumped out from underneath a bed.  Others are dramatic, like when my friend and…

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