When it Pours

When it Pours

Have you ever been asked what advice you would give your younger self? As though your knowledge today could somehow save you from a mistake in the past.  Today, I flip that and look to my younger self for advice.

My Dad passed away last November and while going through his memorabilia I spotted a report folder with a clear plastic cover page labeled “Traci Thierolf London 2001”. Inside were all the emails I sent to family and friends during my study abroad. My Dad printed them and organized them for safe keeping. What a treat! In that moment my vulnerable heart felt that my dad was proud of me. It also told me that he was wise. He knew that my words and experiences during this special time in my life would be worth so much more to me in the future and he saved them for me.  I remember loving the summer I spent in London, but as I read my own words from that trip, I can barely recognize the girl that was me. She was pretty cool, a little naive, but adventurous and willing to see the good in everything. I miss her.  Today, I take advice from my 21-year-old self.

“I saw the Queen today and Prince Charles and Princess Anna. It was really neat, but it started to pour and I got completely soaked, though I like to walk in the rain and I was already wet, so I just took my hood down and let it pour on me…I really love that!”

– Traci Thierolf, Summer 2001

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